The House That Porn Built: Joey Mills on Building His Future

In an industry often associated with fleeting fame and fickleness, porn star Joey Mills is paving a path for his future. “When you’re considered a ‘twink,’ you know there’s an expiration date,” Mills shares. The oft-awarded model began performing at eighteen and he will be twenty-six-years-old later this month. “That’s why I’ve prioritized investing. I need to have a self-sustaining income that isn’t tied to sex work.”

Mills’ Ever Growing Trophy Collection

Still blessed with his boyish charm and magnetic personality, Mills’ flame will long burn, but that hasn’t stopped him from working toward long-term financial security. “I bought a house in downtown St. Louis and I’m fixing it up to flip,” Mills says. “Well, at least that was the original plan. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s good work.”

Built in 1936, the 3900 square foot historic house boasts original stained glass and a stacked brick turret. It’s beautiful, but there were issues. “It’s a three bedroom, one bathroom house, which may have been practical back then, but it isn’t now.” Though he lives alone, Mills has a lot of visitors. Whether it’s his parents coming from their lake house four hours away to spend time with him, or friends/collaborators crashing, Mills is used to a full house. “I added a powder room and I’m working on an en suite in the primary bedroom.” 

“There was no kitchen when I moved in. I needed new cabinets, new electrical, and new plumbing. It was a gut job,” Mills explains. “My dad and I did the demo, framing, and drywall, but I hired trades for all the other stuff.”

Wanting to keep to the house’s history, Mills preserved the original hardwood floors by having them sanded and bought storm windows for the turret, preserving the integrity of the architecture. 

As much as he’s done, there’s still more to do. “After the primary bathroom and closet, I’ll be focusing on finishing the basement.” And, yes, Mills knows what you’re thinking and it’s on his mind, too. “It’s a lot of space and I’m going to use it well.”

The more work that Mills did on the house, a complicated issue arose. “This is my passion project, and I love this house. In the end, I don’t know if this will be one that I flip. It’s just so ‘me.’”

Whether he stays or goes, the experience has taught Mills a lot about home renovation and has given him perspective about investments being both financial and emotional. “I have a boat that I love. I keep it at my parents’ lake house, and it’s my happy place. I love being on the water. One day – probably not so soon – I’ll downsize and buy a Turkish Gulet. I can rent it out to tourists, but I really want to live on the waters of Turkey.”

Not a stranger to chasing dreams, Mills is investing in his future, and, damn, it’s bright.

Joey Mills is a Men exclusive. You can follow his renovation projects on TikTok and see him in action on his OnlyFans.

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6 months ago

I have always loved your work Joey on Helix and Men. Please stay in the industry and bring your joy to many. You are so damn sexy.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Joey…you are 1 of my all-time favorite gay porn performers. You are so DAMN CUTE AND HOT !!! 🔥 I’d sure like to somehow meet you !!

Great job on the renovations. Looks good !!!

9 months ago

U r very yummy with lots of ambition

10 months ago

Awesome good for you to have your set goals keep it up never give up on your dreams