Straight From The Model’s Mouth: Nico Coopa

ASGmax exclusive Nico Coopa is a force to be reckoned with. Not only is he a rising star in the industry, he’s a charismatic, fan favorite who is as genuine as he is handsome. With a quick wit and a whole lot of charm, Nico sat down with ASGmax blog and answered all of our burning questions. 

Why did you get into the industry? 

Like most things in my life I just kinda fell into porn. I was in kitchens for most of my working life and was getting tired of it. I had been getting a little traction on Twitter just posting for the attention and the opportunity arose to work with Next Door so I jumped on it. 

Any advice for anyone interested in getting in the industry? 

My advice is to try and be kind to yourself. Cultivating confidence does not come easy to many of us; working with so many beautiful people can sometimes make you feel like you don’t belong. But remember that your perceived shortcomings are often the exact thing that people are getting off to. 

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 

I wake up at the crack ass of dawn and fall asleep at 9:30pm if left to my own devices. 

What’s your secret talent? 

I’m pretty solid at impressions.

Oh yeah? What’s your best impression? 

I’m not at liberty to discuss that information. Wouldn’t be secret otherwise. 

What do you look for in a partner? 

I look for people who don’t yuck other people’s yums. Gatekeepers and naysayers in most every function are a huge turnoff for me. 

What’s the most romantic thing someone has done for you? 

My partner took me to a private island party on our first date, complete with aerial acrobats. He helped me do my first keg stand that night; that was pretty memorable.

That you’ve done for someone? 

I think the most romantic thing I’ve done is read the entire lord of the rings trilogy to someone, complete with voices

Perfect date? 

Perfect date would be a great concert, followed by a foggy 3am Denny’s feast 

Big spoon or little spoon?

My spoon size is dependent on my co-spoon. If you had a gun to my head I’d say big spoon though, only because my body temperature is furnace level.

A series of FMK questions, including; 

FMK: Anal, Blowjob, Rimming & why? 

Don’t get me wrong I love anal and bjs but I’m happiest eating ass. 

FMK: Missionary, Riding, Doggy & why? 

Riding is too much work to marry, while missionary isn’t enough work to keep alive. Doggy is the superior position. 

FMK: Jayden Marcos, Ryder Owens, Jack Bailey & why? 

Oh man don’t make me choose… ok fuck Jayden, Marry Ryder, kill Jack. Fuck Jayden for obvious reasons. Marry Ryder because I’m in love with him. Kill Jack because I want that twink obliterated (jk jk Jack is great) 

Would you rather marry your ex or marry the last person you had sex with? 

I don’t think I can track down the last guy I had sex with but even though we never spoke and he was wearing a balaclava he still seems nicer than my ex. 

Would you rather have the best sex of your life once or mediocre sex every day? 

This question reminds me of that saying about the similarities between pizza and sex; even when it’s kinda gross it’s still pretty good. So eternal mid sex for me please.

Spill a fictional character you have a crush on. 

Inuyasha. That dog twink is probably the reason I’m gay. 

Would you rather accidentally sext your boss or your neighbor? 

Hmm… probably my neighbors. They seem like they could use a little spice in their lives. 

Would you rather be allergic to making out or allergic to sex?

Though I love making out I think it’d probably be my answer. 

What’s the best song to fuck to? 

Anything by Kaytranada. I’ve had so much sex to Kaytranada. 

Would you rather have morning sex or late-night sex? 

Morning sex for sure. There’s no better way to start the day.

Would you rather give or receive? 

Give. It’s more hot to see my partner’s pleasure than to feel my own

What’s your favorite food? 

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Do you cook? 

Hell yeah I cook. I cook like your granny. 

Where did you lose your virginity? 

I lost my virginity in a trailer in south Alabama.

What have you not done in the bedroom (or elsewhere) that you want to try?

There’s not a lot I haven’t crossed off my list but I’ve been really into watersports lately. I’d like to piss in more dudes.

Vegas or LA? 

LA is nice but I know more hotties in Vegas. And plus I like how it’s sort of an affront to God and man being in the middle of that barren desert. 

Where’s your dream vacation? Who are you taking with you?

I’d like to take a boat full of friends out into some tropical waters on a pleasure cruise and island hop

Check out Nico Coopa and all his glory at the ASGmax Members Area or his spicy page on X

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1 month ago

Come ci si entra in quel settore sa qualcuno spiegarmi

10 months ago

Nice Guy Cam to Rotterdam

11 months ago

I apologize. When I wrote “question” in the search bow, this is where I landed. Again, sorry. Is there any way for a Kinsey 6 (me) to eliminate ALL bisexual and heterosexual scenes from my ASG Max feed? I was a Next Door subscriber. Apparently, ASG Max bought Next Door. When I type specific genres in that search bar, I get all sorts of (personally) repugnant suggestions. Again, I apologize for asking this here. I do not know where to ask this question. A referral to the correct place is a good response. Thanks very much.

11 months ago
Reply to  user_51722857

Hi there! Unfortunately as of now ASGmax does not have filtering based on sexuality, however this is a feature we have implemented on other sites so we will definitely consider adding this!

Tay from S.Korea
Tay from S.Korea
11 months ago

He is one of the reasons why I have been keeping my ASG MAX subscription. He is so attractive and awesome! I’ll always be cheering for you!

11 months ago

Nico is genuinely a cute guy and so enjoy his performances and like his interview and enjoy that morning sex is the best way to start the day.Glad the interview was done and good to know about this sexy delicious and Hot man.

Taylor Saracen
Taylor Saracen
11 months ago
Reply to  Polar3e

Let us know who else you’d like to see interviewed!

11 months ago

That is so hot getting to know that dirty mind of his! I hope AGS or NDS does some piss play to for Nico <3

11 months ago
Reply to  TSP

Same here.

Taylor Saracen
Taylor Saracen
11 months ago
Reply to  TSP


11 months ago

nico is awesome. great learning more about him. want to see him do some of those impressions.

Taylor Saracen
Taylor Saracen
11 months ago
Reply to  JoMagneeto


11 months ago

I would love to be at the wedding of Nico and Ryder – What a match that is – absolutely my favorites!

Taylor Saracen
Taylor Saracen
11 months ago
Reply to  Paul

Suddenly, I have a scene idea 🙂

Jessica Jasmin
Jessica Jasmin
11 months ago

This interview had me cracking up!

11 months ago

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