Jayden Marcos and Kam Stone talk “No Strings Attached” Relationships

In honor of Next Door Films’ feature No Strings Attached, we sat down with the movies’ stars Jayden Marcos and Kam Stone to hear their thoughts on “No Strings Attached” relationships. 

First, of all, have you ever had a successful “No Strings Attached” relationship?

Jayden Marcos: Yes, I have.

Kam Stone: I personally have never wanted or experienced a “No Strings Attached” relationship, but I will say I’m very open to it and want one right now, haha!

How do you define a “No Strings Attached” relationship, and what are the boundaries or expectations involved?

JM:  I define it as craving intimacy while having no feelings involved.

KS: For me it’s about having a sexually emotional relationship but nothing past that point! If you start getting to know them outside of sex and how they operate on a personal/daily basis, it does tend to make you start worrying/caring about their actions outside of sex! You shouldn’t be hanging out or going to do fun things with someone you’re just wanting a sexual relationship with, unless you’re open to it becoming more!

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a no-strings-attached relationship compared to a long-term romantic relationship?

JM:  The benefit of no strings is that you get to live your life answering to only yourself while getting guaranteed intimacy . The disadvantage would be that you don’t get a chance to develop a close personal intimacy revolving around feelings. You don’t get someone who’s there for you to listen, have your back, or feel truly loved.

How do you navigate communication and ensure that both people are on the same page regarding the nature of the relationship?

JM: It’s important to keep communication open with one another. Feelings aren’t something you can control so if they develop, say so immediately. Either they feel the same or they don’t and you go your separate ways, not wasting either person’s time.

Have you ever experienced any challenges or complications in a no-strings-attached relationship, and if so, how did you address them?

JM: Yes, feelings can develop , certain expectations pop up etc. The best way to go about it is to remind the other that it isn’t a relationship, this is just for relieving physical needs. If they can’t check themselves and you don’t feel the same, it’s best to move on.

How do you maintain emotional distance or boundaries while still enjoying the benefits of intimacy in a no-strings-attached relationship?

JM: Don’t go into one because you’re lonely. Do it when life is good and you feel surrounded by good people. You’ll tend to put more on an individual during rougher times in your life (asking to vent, hear your feelings, comfort you, etc) . You’ll fall into a relationship mentality or develop a type of security or dependence on the other because they add some dopamine to your life. You need other sources, otherwise you fall into the wrong mindset. 

Do you believe that a no-strings-attached relationship can evolve into something more serious, or is it typically meant to remain casual?

JM: They’re meant to remain casual forsure. Recently though, many people have been using it as a way to have a relationship they can walk away from more easily than if there was a title and expectations. Many are scared to put themselves out there and things that used to mean one thing can turn into something completely different. It’s a test run of a relationship if you will. Is it meant to be casual? Yes. But it is possible for it to develop into more and it’s something to be aware of .

KS: A No Strings Attached relationship can very much evolve into something more serious, only if you let it. If you aren’t aware of the situation or the emotions involved it’s very easy for it to become something serious. They were definitely designed to stay casual, but we are human, we crave connection sometimes, so just always be self-aware and make sure open communication is there on both parts!

How do you handle jealousy or feelings of attachment that may arise in a no-strings-attached relationship?

JM: I personally wouldn’t feel jealous in one. But if I did, I’d take a step back and ask why I’m feeling this way over someone who wasn’t supposed to mean anything to me. Dig into yourself and ask the harder questions. That’s when you’ll find the true answers and learn more about who you are.

KS: Personally if jealousy arises, that already means there are feelings of attachment! There has to be that open communication and sometimes certain people don’t enough emotion intelligence to handle or understand their emotions so maybe cutting ties with that person if the conversation doesn’t resolve anything… it’s unfortunate but some people just aren’t meant to be in a No Strings Attached relationships!

In your opinion, what are the key ingredients for a successful and fulfilling no-strings-attached relationship?

JM: Have multiple sources of dopamine and serotonin, lay things out bluntly , don’t overly invest your time or energy into them, don’t ask personal questions. 

No Strings Attached is now live on ASGmax.com

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