Craft Chat: Compliance

Let’s talk about compliance. At times, this discussion seems more taboo than any of our naughty scenes. We reference it when responding to viewer comments, but haven’t really dove into what it means. Until now. At the ASGmax blog, we want to give you the background to our decision making and talk about the things that aren’t always brought to light. 

Compliance is the dirty (or really, really clean) little secret that guides every single choice we make when it comes to producing, writing and directing scenes. People think we have a lot of freedom in porn considering how naked it is.The truth is, we have way less because of that reason. The standards we’re held to as an industry are high, and if we step out of line, the consequences are immense. In fact, they’re company killing. If we are found to be out of compliance, we can’t take credit card payments and without payments, we cease to exist. That’s hundreds of people out of a job at our company alone, and that’s not even counting the partners we work with that rely on our services for their websites. 

Because our blog is a separate entity, and not pornographic in nature, we feel comfortable sharing some of our compliance standards here:

When writing fauxcest scenes (because, of course, incest is not acceptable), we need to mention the non-blood relation at least three times. For example, if the pairing is man and stepfather, we need to have the stepfather referred to as “step” three times. It’s not the most natural for dialogue, but it’s necessary. When we were working on a fraternity line, using the word “bro”and “brother”  triggered compliance protocols several times. Often, we’re monitored using AI, so the list of no-no words is a no-no regardless of context.

There can be no drug or alcohol use. Not in real life, and not in the scene. There can’t be any allusions to being drunk, being tipsy, being at the bar, or anything of that nature. There can’t be bottles of alcohol or pill bottles on the set.. Inebriation or the implication of it, means that a person can’t give full consent and consent is of the utmost importance. 

Speaking of consent, there can’t be any funny business when someone is sleeping. People can’t consent to something when they’re asleep, so no touching, stroking, etc when someone isn’t fully coherent. 

And considering there’s no space for dubious consent either, a character has to be ready and willing to give consent, even when it doesn’t seem that likely that they would. We can’t have blackmail, force, or coercion to gain consent. All parties in the scene have to give explicit, meaningful consent.

This is just a smattering of compliance insight. We have day-long seminars about compliance standards several times a year considering how often they shift and change. If you have any questions about compliance, we’d love to hear to discuss in the comment section!

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2 days ago

I am a part-time writer (nothing to brag about) but I’ve been messing around with scripts for gay porn for a while now. I like niche porn with a twist, or as much as you can fit into 42 minutes. I tend to write more serialized scripts with a slow burn, but not too slow. With all that, where does one submit a script for review and/or possible purchase by a studio? Are there literary agents for porn scripts, or are they generally ginned up within production teams, or an assigned writer? Just curious. I’d love to see my words and sexual focus on screen.

2 days ago
Reply to  user_51988435

There is defeinitly a lot of writers in our industry! While there is not “agents”, the best way would be to reach out to your desired studio via social media or perhaps their contact page and propose your ideas.

1 day ago
Reply to  Cameron

Thanks, Cameron!

4 days ago

I have often wondered why, in a scene let’s say by the pool, someone doesn’t say “how about a beer?”. Now I understand. Thanks!

6 days ago

I would like to see more raunchy videos on ASGmax. I think fingering and spitting are allowed, but understanding the limits you are required to follow, try to mix in more fetish and naughty scenes, of course with the models consent.

6 days ago
Reply to  user_51958921

You’re in luck! We have an announcement coming soon about a new channel 🙂

4 days ago
Reply to  user_51958921


7 days ago

This is good. Given the vacuum and solitude in which growing youth consumes porn, I can see the relevance of these. If I were running ASGmax, I would actively make and promote videos against sexual violence. I appreciate porn to its fullest extent (that’s why I am a member), going above and beyond with videos against sexual violence will help your brand image. Join forces against the evil of sexual violence to fully appreciate porn. For example there is video crated about consent in UK with the example of offering and drinking tea is great. If real pornstars made these video, it would go a long way in spreading the message and your brand image. For more reach out on

7 days ago
Reply to  user_52003200

This is a wonderful idea. It’s been knocked around internally and we have a great interest in taking action in some way. Thank you so much for the comment.

6 days ago
Reply to  Taylor

From a pornstar perspective, it would elevate and normalize their progression. They will be seen as humans and will get recognition as stars outside the realm of industry. A porn star is highly attractive if he does non- porn stuff.

7 days ago

This is really interesting info. I hate scenes that have sexual assault scenarios, and love that you guys avoid them. Makes me wonder how other studios get away with it, though…

7 days ago
Reply to  user_51887462

I wonder about that too 😉
We’re going to do a part two of this article soon. Believe it or not, we haven’t even scratched the surface!

7 days ago

Taylor – I read your comments and replies. Congratulation on providing excellent answers, you are a craftsman with your pen. Mitchell

7 days ago
Reply to  user_51991301

Thank you so much, Mitchell. That’s so nice of you to say.

7 days ago

There had been scenes where the models were intoxicated . os Weed permitted before a shoot as its legal in California ?

7 days ago
Reply to  user_51833913


7 days ago
Reply to  user_51833913

The legality of a substance isn’t the issue. It’s the consent piece. Older scenes (from other studios) may have substances that we don’t allow. Also, I’ve come across plenty of porn that has drinking, drugs, etc…they’re playing it fast and loose!

7 days ago

What Karen organization/authority decides these conditions?
They are quite ridiculous imo. As long as the actors aren’t forced into something I don’t see why it should matter if a bottle of alcohol is shown or if they say brother instead of step-brother. It’s just fantasy after all.

7 days ago
Reply to  user_51956142

Banks issue the compliance standards. We wouldn’t have to follow these rules if we a cash or crypto business. If we break their rules, we don’t get to take credit cards, so it’s important we don’t!

7 days ago

How on earth do you make Disruptive and Pure Taboo work within those limitations?

7 days ago
Reply to  user_51952796

Thank you so much for realizing how difficult it is! We do our best to toe the line while skirting up against it. We still want to make all of the implications but can’t as explicit as we’d like to be.

7 days ago

Where does the list of can do and can’t originate from? It’s a requirement for the compliance with the processing company but does the list come from a law? Or is it really a hit and miss, this passes this doesn’t situation

7 days ago
Reply to  Goatimusrex

They originate from processing companies, these companies actually have task forces that set rules for a variety of vice industries. While these compliance guidelines are not “laws” we do still contend with many laws regarding age verification and records keeping compliance.

7 days ago
Reply to  Cameron

Interesting, thank you. Also, do they refer to it as vice industries or is that y’alls term?

7 days ago
Reply to  Goatimusrex

We are uncertain about how they refer to our industry internally. However, we often benchmark ourselves against other vice industries. Although “vice” can carry a negative connotation, it provides a useful economic comparison. Industries like gambling or recreational substances are more analogous to our sector than housing or technology.

7 days ago
Reply to  Cameron

I would have a problem if they used the term vice. But if that’s a self-descriptor it seems fine.