Bobby Beyond Discusses Next Door Film’s No Strings Attached

Bobby Beyond lives up to his last name. He’s beyond talented, beyond introspective, and beyond awesome. We were lucky enough to have the dynamic writer sit down with the ASGmax blog to discuss his work on Next Door Films’ new feature No Strings Attached.

Can you describe your creative process when developing the story and characters?

It began with Jeremy (Babcock) and I bouncing ideas for a couple of weeks until we finally got the groundwork for the storyline. The characters developed over time, I love adding personality and identity to them as I go. I always ask myself questions like: Who would this person be? Are they serious, funny, shy, bold? What turns them on? What would make these two guys have sex? These kinds of questions I can answer in greater detail in longform stories like this one, as well as get the opportunity to breathe life into them. 

Tell me more about this story in the context of writing. 

With this story, we have the protagonist’s FWB (Friend With Benefits) now off limits, and he’s persuaded into trying out a NSA situation with his romantic buddy. This led me to create Kam’s character who is horny, but hesitant; and Jayden’s character who is charming, but can he handle a NSA (No Strings Attached) situation? These are the first threads of the characters’ DNA, I then fill in the blanks. 

Were there any personal experiences or influences that informed the narrative or themes of the screenplay?

Oh, absolutely! Life imitates art, but much of my art is influenced by my personal experiences. Creating the character for Jayden was fun because I got to play on a real life scenario that happened when I was seeing a guy with no strings attached. When bringing the story and characters to life, it’s always best to make it seem real and organic in nature. The themes tend to be more from my imagination and creative skills. Creating a believable, sexy, complete and unique story that leads to sex in a small time frame is an art in itself!

How did you approach structuring the screenplay and balancing plot progression with character development?

Everything starts and ends with the sex, and I get there by working backwards through the story. When writing porn, I like to start structuring from the end, and work my way to the beginning. Then I write the first draft from the beginning back to the end. It’s the most efficient process because the end goal, the sex, is a fixed goalpost, whereas the beginning of the story and how they get there are the parts I get to put together like a puzzle. Character development comes as I envision each scene like a movie playing in my head. I try to imagine how they’d feel and react, and what they’d say and do. I then go back and revise the scene again and again till the story feels organic, sexy, and polished.

How do you handle feedback and revisions during the writing process, particularly from producers or directors?

I love getting feedback, it’s important to receive and utilize criticism as it is a powerful tool in the creative process. Sometimes the director can see another angle that I’m not seeing, and add a new perspective. Having the opportunity to work directly with Jeremy on this project allowed me to learn a lot and add new skills to my toolbelt. I’ve written many NDS scripts, but this was my first ever NDF script, and was a bit of a more complex challenge. With Jeremy’s guidance and feedback, I was able to deliver an amazing story that I’m very proud of. 

Check out Bobby Beyond’s hard work on April 27, 2024 when No Strings Attached releases only on Next Door Films. 

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8 months ago

Thank you for an excellent story with two great models. Kam and Jayden were great together. Please give us more of Kam Stone. I would love to see Kam in a speedo around the pool and have him eat some cum in the next scene. Thank you again for a very smooth scene, I look forward to more of your work here at ASGMAX.